Virtual Event

Weekly AI Chat

These open chats, an example of a practice we call appointment learning, are continuing to happen every Tuesday morning. Occasionally we pick a narrower topic to focus on (past examples: AI and copyright, the Biden administration’s AI-related Executive Order, the sheer chaos at OpenAI) but the default format is simply a lightning round of Show & Tell wherein anything related to AI is fair game.

To participate, please consider bringing an AI-related tidbit to share. It can be anything you’ve read/heard/tried/thought in the past week. Tuning in to listen without sharing is also perfectly fine. The point is simply to create a space where curious people—from all backgrounds and disciplines—can grapple with big stuff together.

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

  • Every Tuesday, 8:00-8:45am PT
  • Online—RSVP to request the link.